Growing Practices
Each year we plant over 30 different crops for our CSA members. Our abundant crop list is crafted from member feedback and farmer-to-farmer recommendations.
Our responsibility as farmers is to tend to the soil with respect and gratitude. We aim to balance what is removed from the soil in the way of vegetable production by returning a variety of nutrients, from locally-made compost, nutrients and biomass from cover crops and organic soil amendments. We do not use genetically-modified seeds or chemical pesticides
Drip irrigation allows us to irrigate the entire farm with a fraction of the water that is used with overhead irrigation methods. We grow cover crops to build our soils and to protect them from erosion. We strive to limit the use of plastics on our farm through the use of biodegradable mulch films rather than plastic mulch. Foggy Hill Farm is also a member of the Community Solar for Farms Project.
We share the gained knowledge with farmers through on-farm field days and presentations. Some of these technical service agencies include the National Center for Appropriate Technology, Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA, the University of NH Extension, NOFA NH, and the Cheshire County Conservation District.